The purpose of cleaning and flow testing.
1-Remove any contaminates inside or out side the injector, that impede fuel flow or degrade fuel spray patten.
2-To accurately measure each injector fuel flow ability.
3-Acquire quantitative data on injector performance the vehicle owner can use in matching injector or tuning the engine fuel system.
Practical task sheet
cleaning injector off a vehicle
When removing fuel injectors from the engine take care:
Take care there is no pressure in the fuel rail careful not damage the fuel injector.
What are the manufacturers specifications in relation to:
Injector leakage. None Drips per minute. 30 ML per seal
Injector flow rate. 165 ML per minute flow rate at 0.016 HZ
F=I/T = 1/60= 0.0.6HZ
= for 4 cylinders multiply by 4 .
Test result.
Injector number. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Spray pattern. | ok | ok | ok | ok |
Flow rate. | Ok | ok | ok | ok |
Leakage(dribble) | | | | |
How many injectors require attrition? None
Analyzing your results
Describe the condition of all the injectors that you tested.
All four injectors give positive result. No leakage the flow rate same for all 4 injectors good cone shape. Spray patterns and dripping when they match tunned off.
This picture is showing fuel injectors before ultra sonic cleaning and after ultra sonic cleaning spray patterns.
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