Sunday, September 19, 2010

Testing Ballast resistor

1. Obtain 2 ballast resistors with different part numbers
2. List part numbers and resistance specification
3. Measure the resistance of the resistors.


Ballast resistor 1 NO BR3                                                          Ballast resistor 2 NO BR1
Ballast resistor NO 1 ohms specification 1.5 - 17.7 ohms            Ballast resistor NO 2 ohms spec 0.9 - 1.1 ohm

Measure Resistance Values
Ballast resistor NO 1 measured ohms 1.9 ohms                       Serviceable? NO
Ballast resistor   NO 2 measured ohms 1.7 ohms                       Serviceable? NO

Measuring Current Draw and Voltage Drop
Stander Single tower coil
1. Wire up a ballast resistor in series with your coil primary winding values as shown in the following diagram.
2. Connect an ohmmeter in series and note the current draw.
3. Measure and note the voltage drop across the ballast resistor.
4. Measure and note the voltage drop across the coil primary.

Current draw 4.65 A
Coil calculate voltage Drop V= IR= 4.65 * 0.6 = 2.75 V
Coil measured Voltage Drop 2.25 V
Ballast resistor calculated voltage droop VD = IR = 4.65 amps *1.9 ohms =8.83 V
Ballast resistor measured voltage drop   8.32 V
The result of measured and calculation value are nearly equal, that way i can say the result is ok.

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