Testing ignition Coils
Inside an ignition coil are two coils of wire on top of each other, these coils are called windings. One winding is called the primary, the other is called secondary. The primary winding gets the juice together to make a spark and secondary sends it out the door to distributor. If one of these windings can go bad and cause your ignition coil to fail.
How to test the primary and the secondary ignition coil windings.
Testing the primary winding of ignition coil is first receive voltage from the battery find the resistance specification for primary winding.
Then using a multimeter in place the lead on the smaller, out side poles. If the reading is within the range indicated in manual that mean the primary winding is ok and then we can go the secondary test .
Testing the secondary winding
The secondary winding of ignition coil delivered the spark t the distributor to be sent to the spark plugs. If it is bad we well get a weak sparks or no sparks at all.
To test the coil of secondary winding, attached the test probes to the outers 12 V pole, and the center pole, where the main wire goes to the distributor. Determine the resistance, and check to see it is get specification.
Testing ignition coils
To test the internal resistance of the primary and secondary winding, follow the diagrams below.
Test ignition coils
1 Obtain two different ignition coil configurations.
2 List all coil part numbers voltage , internal resistance specifications where shown.
Coil Specification
Coil # 1 No C1C31 Coil # 2 No
Coil # 1 Voltage 12 V Coil # 2 Voltage 12 V
Coil # 1 Primary 3.2 ohms Coil #2 Primary 3.4 ohms
Coil # 1 Secondary 9.35 Coil # 2 Secondary 9.44 ohms
Always check for meter error and deduct that value off your final reading
most important when using the 0 - 200 ohms scale
3. Obtain a multimeter .
4. Carry out tests and record your findings.
5. Turn the meter rotary switch to the 200 ohms position touch the positive and negative leads together and note your default error.
6. Carry tests and record your findings.
Coil Test Results
Coil # 1 Primary 3.6 ohms Serviceable?No
Coil # 1 Secondary 0.0 ohms
Coil # 2 Primary 3.0 ohms Serviceable?No
Coil # 2 Secondary 0.0 ohms
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